Singapore Savings Bonds (SBJUN24 GX24060A) Over-Subscribed

SSB splash

29 May 2024

SBJUN24 attracted $1.6B in applications (within limits) for the $1000.0M offered. This level of demand is higher than that of the previous issue (SBMAY24) at $289.6M.

The quantity ceiling is $24,000. If you applied for $24,000 or lower, you will get a full allotment. If you applied for more than $24,000, you will be allotted $24,000 or $24,500, subject to individual limit of $200,000.

SBJUN24 has a 10-year average return of 3.33% p.a. with interest rates from 3.26% (year 1) to 3.54% (year 10). If you invest $10,000 in this SSB, you will earn a total interest of $3,341.22 over a period of 10 years.

SBJUN24 (Announced)

Opening Date
02 May 2024 Notify me
Closing Date
28 May 2024 Remind me
Allotment Date
29 May 2024 Notify me
Issue Date
03 Jun 2024
Year from issue date12345678910
Interest %
Average return per year %

Issue Details

Issue Code
Amount Offered
Maturity Date
01 Jun 2034
Interest Payment Dates
Every 6 months on 01 Jun and 01 Dec
Total Amount Applied
Total Amount Applied Within Limits
Total Amount Allotted
Quantity Ceiling
Percentage of Applicants Allotted an Additional $500